Peeping Tom feat. Amon Tobin Don't Even Trip Lyrics
I think you're old enough to know it better
But I'm old enough to remember
( Don't even trip )
I won't use that stupid boy forever
( Cross your heart and hope to die )
Don't even trip
Don't get too big for your britches
( Don't even trip )
All these bones
Been jumping out of your closet
( You're not in your closet yet )
So blasé
Don't turn and look the other way
( You want to be a star )
You want to be a star
You're, oh, so near, yet, oh, so far
( Don't even trip )
You'll be back inside before the winter
On that long, long trip before december
( Don't even trip, don't even trip, don't even trip )
Don't be throwing stones at the window
( Lock in peace and close your house )
Don't even trip
Don't get too big for your britches
( don't even trip )
All these bones
Been jumping out of your closet
( You're not in your closet yet )
So blasé
Don't turn and look the other way
( You've got to have it all )
You've got to have it all
You're, oh, so near, yet... ( Oh, so far )
And I know that a__holes grow on trees
But I'm here to trim the leaves and I'm afraid
Daddy, you're still my friend
You're just a piece of s___
But I can overlook it today
'Cause you're still my friend
( Don't even trip )
Drop that gun, you aren't my f___in' hero
( Don't even trip, don't even trip, don't even trip )
You think it's cool to be a f___in' zero
( Don't even trip, don't even trip, don't even trip )
I can't believe I called you 'mi amigo'
( Take a deep breath and you'll be fine )
( Because... ) Speak up now
And one of you is a hundred loud
( When you preach they'll come on )
When you preach
They'll join you on the roofs and streets
( Like crystal clear )
Crystal clear
I'm hanging like a chandelier
( Watching over you )
Watching over you
I'll move you from a song to... Tears
And I know that a__holes grow on trees
But I'm going to trim the leaves and I can say...
Daddy, you're still my friend
And you're still the piece of s___
But I can overlook it today
'Cause you're still my friend
And I know that a__holes grow on trees
But I'm here to trim the leaves and I'm afraid
Are you still my friend?
And you're still the piece of s___
But I can look the other way
'Cause you're still my friend
( Don't even trip )
See also:
Fu Manchu Redline Lyrics
Snake River Conspiracy Vulcan Lyrics