Carpathian Forest The frostbitten woodlands of Norway Lyrics
From the ice-cold norwegian hills
From the frozen silver mountain
And from my world I consider you as dead...
I am born of evil and of sin
And I always walked unholy paths
That you never seen or heard of...
...and I must fight this endless battle alone...
You freeze to death... in morning mist...
Great vast landscape, frostbitten woodlands
Frozen thundra, hellish blizzard storms
Here snow will always fall... black majestic winter magic
The evil frozen moonlit nights
This is no f___ing god!
This is my Pandaemonium!!!
The unholy north!!!
The cold grip of frost...
Cold grip of frost!!!
Screams from tormented souls
Echoes in these towering mountains
The burning pain is meant to last...
The direction of the cold wings brings the putrid smell of death...
And heretics and devils stand up and ride towards unholy death...
Inhuman coldness, hellish winds
Black demons of the past
Norwegian winter hell
Violent battlecries, perverted deathnoise
Victorious echoes of war, death and despair
Candle-life, by own blood, and heathen heritage
See also:
Denisse Malebran Puente Lyrics
MC Magic Be My Lady Lyrics