Shawn McDonald Don't Walk Away Lyrics
And when I look into your eyes - Y cuando veo tus ojos
I see the hurt and the confusion - Veo el dolor y la confusion
The pain as it rolls down your face - El dolor q baja tu rostro
And the questions in your mind - Y la pregunta en tu mente
And I know, - y yo se
'cause I've been there - porq estuve ahi
Yes, I know, - Si yo se
'cause I've been there, time and time again - Porq yo estuve ahi, una y otra vez
And don't you walk, don't you walk away - Y no camines, no camines lejos
'Cause He will never desert you - Porq el nunca te dejara
He'll never let you down - El nunca te defraudara
Don't walk away from Him, no, no, no, no, no - No camines lejos de El, no, no, no, no , no
You're always telling me that you don't need to change - Siempre me dices que no necesitas cambiar
That you're fine with who you are - Que estas bien con quien eres
When I look at you, I see you filling your life with all that you can find - Cuando te veo, veo que llenas tu vida con todo lo que puedas encontrar
Hoping and wishing this world will bring you - Esperando y deseando que este mundo pueda traerte
A little peace of mind - Un poco de paz en tu mente
Well, stop looking, 'cause He's right in front of your eyes - Bueno, para de buscar, porq El esta enfrente de tus ojos
'Cause He will never give up on you today - Porq El no se rendira por ti hoy
No, don't walk away - No, No camines lejos
'Cause He'll never let you go - Porq El no te dejara ir
No, no, no, no - No, no, no, no
Don't walk away - No camines lejos
Don't walk away - No camines lejos
'Cause He'll never let you go today - Porq el no te dejara ir hoy
Don't walk away from Him - No camines lejos de El
Made By: Holysquad
See also:
Cyndi Lauper with Sarah McLachlan TIME AFTER TIME Lyrics
Shawn McDonald Pour Out Lyrics