Bjork Pad Sest Ekki Saetari Mey Lyrics


Þad lenti í drætti
að móðir mín mig ætti
þvi hún var svo gískið grey

En læknrinn var sóttur
og loksins ól hún dóttur
og það sást ekki sætari mey

En pabbi varð sjálfur
á sjónum alltaf hálfur
svo hann gat ekki lengur sagt næ

Fyrst varð hann mjög sleginn
en seinna sagdi hann feginn
að það sést ekki sætari mey

Sætari mey
sætari mey
næ, það sést ekki sætari mey

Og fyrr en mig varði
hver strákur á mig starði
eins og stelpur á gleym-mér-ei

Þeir fóru að skjálfa
og sögðu við sig sjálfa:
hún er sorglega stygg
en mjög trygg - að ég hygg
og það sést ekki sætari mey

Ég lærði i bernsku
að blikk' á finni ensku
og min söngrödd var "sweet and gay"

En vestur á landi
ég lenti í hjónabandi
það er sorglegt fyrir siðprúða mey

Hann lagði í sinn vana
að elska Ameríkana
svo ég kyssti hann og sagði "okay"

En illt var í efni
hann var óðamála í svefni
Og þá reyndist hann, ramm Íslenskt grey

Íslenskt grey
Íslenskt grey
sem hann ásæðist Íslenska mey

En nú er önnur öldin
ég dansa kát á kvöldin
og þau kalla mig gleym-mér-ei

Og piltarnir þeir skjálfa
þeir segja við sig sjálfa:
næ, þú sendir mér blossandi ást - þvílíkt hnoss!
þvi það sést ekki sætari mey NONE SWEETER THAN ME CAN BE SEEN

It was quite a delay
when my mother had me
for she was such a slender sort

The doctor was fetched
and finally her daughter was born
and none sweeter than me was ever seen

My father spent usually
his time at sea half-drunk
but he could not deny me

At first he was rather shocked
but then he said, relieved
that none sweeter than me can be seen

Sweeter than me
Sweeter than me
no none sweeter than me can be seen

Before I would know it
every boy would stare at me
the way girls do at forget-me-nots

They would shiver
and say to themselves:
she is hard to get
but very secure - I would think
and none sweeter than me can be seen

I learned while in childshoes
to speak proper English
and my songvoice was "sweet and gay"

But westwards in the country
I stumbled into marriage
it was sad for a nice girl like me

He had put into habit
to love all Americana
so I kissed him and said "okay"

Then I discovered deceit
when he spoke in his sleep
and I found out, he was very Icelandic after all

Just Icelandic
Just Icelandic
who wanted an Icelandic me

But now things are different
I go dancing merrily at night
and they call me Forget-me-not

And the boys all shiver
they say to themselves:
no, you sending me currents of love - what luck!
'cause none sweeter than me can be seen SONG INFO

Icelandic Jazz album from 1990, featuring Björk and Tríó Guðmundur Ingólfssonar.

See also:

The Fugees & Celia Cruz Guantanamera Lyrics
Venus In Furs (Shudder to Think) Hot One Lyrics