NOFX Other side of Fuck the Kids Lyrics

Got a no string guitar, got a sunn beta head
I’m a rock N roll star
I ain’t no musician some things are stranger than fishin

Got a beat on a drum no how to sing outta key
Got some perscription drugs
I ain’t no musician some things are stranger than fishin

What gives you the right to tell others what to do?
You sit in judgement, you can't be wrong,
Your infallible power's undeniably wrong.

You can kill us in your wars,
You can jail us with your laws,
You can take away our bodies but we'll never fit the mould,
Cause you'll never have our minds, and you'll never have our

You fill us up with lies,
Till our brothers we despise,
You live in fear,
You live by hate,
The wars are coming and you can't wai


You are a hippie,
You smell like skunk,
I'm your arch-enemy,
A middle class punk.
Get out,
Get a life,
Get a job,
Everyone's smoking grass,
Everyone is an a__.
Can't you afford to cut your hair?
Cause Frank and I will cut it off for free.
Never trust a hippie,
They'll sell you bad drug

See also:

Pornophonique I want to be a machine Lyrics