Curve Ice That Melts the Tips Lyrics
I'm bluer than the water
it's true,
I'm cleaner than the air
you breathe
I'm cleaner than the sunset
in the picture
of that woman
in your heart
push me into overload
push me into overload
I'm colder than ice that melts the tips
of the only question
that really exist
to you
the horizon
throws the moonlight
in the eye
of my hate
push me into overload
push me into overload
Tell me to the heart
Tell me to the heart
Tell me to the heart
Tell me to the heart
Tell me to the heart
Tell me to the heart
I'm cleaner than the sunset
in the person
that sleeps in your heart
See also:
Bad Acid Trip Join The Circus Lyrics
sabroso 12-Adios Amor Lyrics