Gontyna Kry Piesn Sprzed Wiekow Lyrics
Pieœñ Sprzed Wieków
Kiedy wichry szaleñczo dm¹ od Morza.
Gdy fal ostry pazur underza o brzegi.
Wi wielkim ciemnym lesie,
Wœród gêstwiny drzew starych.
Na samotnej polanie, d³ugow³osy ¿erca odprawia³ obiaty.
Tu, w cieniu dêbu, przed tysi¹cem laty,
Ziemia pi³a nektar wybrany z ¿y³ ludzkich.
Lud zadowolony, a bogi ³askawe.
Gdy noc rozpostarta swe czarne skryzd³a...
W ch³odnym mroku, wœród kniei,
Czai³ siê wilk szary,
O szkar³atnych Ÿrenicach i zêbach ze stali.
Tu p³onê³y koœci i pali³y siê ognie.
D¹b by³ przewodnikiem do Nawii za morze...
Ziemia sute rodzi³a plony,
Woj mieczem uderza³ na wroga...
Dzisiaj d¹b starzec stoi nadal dumnie.
W dzikich podmuchach strzybogowych wnuków,
Szumi uparcie dawn¹ opowieœæ.
OpowieϾ o chwale, opowieϾ o walce.
Pieœñ sprzed wieków us³yszycie i siê rozbudzicie!
The Song Before Ages
When the mad winds blow from the Sea.
When the sharp claws of the waves strike the coast.
In the great, dark forest
Among the thickets of old trees.
One alone clearing, long-haired wizard speaks the ritual.
Here, in the shadow of oak, before thousands of years.
The soil drunk a chosen nectar from human veins.
Pleased people and favourable gods.
When night stretched itself, black wings...
In the cold darkness, among the trees,
Grey wolf with dark red pupils and steel teeth
Was waiting.
Here shone bones and burnt fires.
The Oak was a guide to Navia behind the Sea...
The soil was giving the birth to generous crops,
Warriors were striking at the enemy...
Today, the old oak still stands with pride
In the wild gust of Stribog's grandchildren.
Still stubbornly humming the old story.
The story about glory, the story about battle.
You will hear the song before ages and arouse!
See also:
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