denwO Skrie Is Made Of Win Part 1 Lyrics

I know a man from Holland,
Most people call him Skrie,
They say his hair is made of gold and I tend to agree,
Now in a list of Überness, Skrie comes at the top,
He's pro at making coffee, and he's pro at Photoshop!

Oh Skrie, He's made of Win
Don't ask me why because I just don't know where to begin
Oh Skrie, He's made of Win
Go tell your next door neighbour, Go inform your next of kin

Old Skrie's a living legend, bow at his feet you should,
He improv's on piano, And he's really chuffin' good!
He plays the keys in restaurants for a pleasant ambiance
But he plays tunes from computer games, now tell me that's not b_____ awesome!

Skrie, He's made of Win
Don't ask me why because I just don't know where to begin
Oh Skrie, He's made of Win
Go tell your next door neighbour, inform your next of kin

He plays the part of redboard in Pure Pwnage Season 1
Much better than Keanu Reeves ever could have done!
But Skrie's an honest fellow, Straight talking and upfront
He's never scared to tell you when you're acting like a noob

Oh Skrie, He's made of Win, Yes he is!
Don't ask me why because I just don't know where to begin
Oh Skrie, He's made of Win
Go tell your next door neighbour, Go inform your next of kin

His videos are hilarious, His forum posts intense
His avatar amazing, His signature Immense!
His website is fantastic, with animation and sound
His T-Shirts have his logo on, His ownage knows no bounds!

Skrie, He's made of Win, He's simply made of Win
But do not ask me why for I just don't know where to begin
Oh no, Skrie, He's made of Win
Go tell your next door neighbour, inform your next of kin!

See also:

snorkel Namikaze Satellite Lyrics
Fall Out Boy Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers Lyrics