Lambchop The scary Caroler Lyrics
Well I feel more like I do today
Than I did last night
Makin' odds on the silvery moom
Makin' it all seem that nice.
And then you lie
(your back your s______)
And you close your eyes
(your shoulders your pelvis)
And you sleep alright
(your wrist knuckles and knees)
All these things ache.
Well Jesus Christ
I got my dogs on ice
A piece of grit in my eye
I start to spit
Then I start to cry
I'm happy
I just don't know why.
And then you rise
(your b___ocks your calves)
And you open your eyes
(your sinus your ears)
And you sleep alright
(your arms your cheeks)
All these things ache.
Yes I've had better days
I look liked
My teeth they were
Extremely white
Cast off cast off
You scary caroler
This hasn't been my night.
See also:
Ane Brun Wooden Body Lyrics
J.B.O. Satanische Botschaften 3 Lyrics