Pokémon Hoenn PokéRap Lyrics
Hoenn PokéRap
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
Treecko and Torchic in the back [...]
Mudkip and Marshtomp hearin' the track
Swampert, Poochyena I see you too [...]
Wurmple and Beautifly and Cascoon.
Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo!
Linoone and Silcoon aboard-I-colo!
Grovyle, Sceptile, Combusken, Blaziken,
Where ya at, huh? It's me, I'm askin'!
Mightyena, Dustox, Seedot, Nuzleaf, I see Shiftry [...].
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
Latias, Latios on my right;
Regice, Registeel, Regirock through the night
Duskull, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho,
Absol, Glalie, Spheal and Sealeo,
Clamperl and Huntail, Gorebyss - you're the most!
Luvdisc, Bagon, Shelgon, Metagross,
Armaldo, Feebas, Milotic and we're still not done,
Castform, Kecleon - ain't this fun?
Wynaut, Snorunt [...], Shuppet and Banette step up to bat!
Salamence, Beldum, Metang, Groudon,
Kyogre and Walrein and we've only just begun!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
Makuhita, Hariyama, Azurill, Nosepass,
Skitty, Delcatty, Sableye - I'm moving fast!
Slaking, Nincada, Loudred and Exploud,
Aggron, Medidite, Medichan, say it aloud:
Swellow, Wingull, Pelipper and Ralts!
Shroomish, Breloom, Slakoth and Vigoroth!
Mawile, Taillow, Aron, Eletrike, Manectric,
Plusle, Lairon - Who'd ya like?
Rayquaza, Ninjask, Shedinja, Whismur,
Vibrava, Flygon - Wich one do you prefer?
Kirlia, Gardevoir, Surskit and Masquerain
C'mon everybody help me sing the refrain!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
Now we keep it really quiet just for a few...
Jirachi, Deoxys, Celebi and Mew!
[...] Torkoal and Spoink,
Numel and Camerupt - we're rocking at this joint!
Gulpin, Trapinch, Swalot, Roselia,
Carvanha, Sharpedo and Wailmer, I see ya!
Wailord and Luminise, Volbeat, Minun,
Everybody stay with me 'cause the end is coming soon!
Anorith, Cradily, Lileep, Claydol,
People pay attention 'cause that's not all [...]
Baltoy, Crawdant, Corphish, Whiscash,
Barboash, Solrock, the names that can't last!
Lunatone, Serviper, Zangoose, Altaria,
Swablu, Cacturne - I hope I'm not scaring ya!
There's one more name that I have to purvey!
It's spelled C-A-C-N-E and A!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's the P to the O K E M O N
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
It's role call time, Listen up my friends!
The gang's all there! The gang's all there!
See also:
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