Abie Rotenberg Mama Rochel Lyrics

With the rising sun, on her wedding day
She raised her eyes to the heavens
And she thanked Hashem, for the man of truth
With whom she would build a nation.

But with nightfall came, destiny betrayed
The veil concealing another
Yet a sister's shame, not her shattered dreams
Took hold of her heart her senses

Mama Rochel cry for us again
Won't you shed a tear for your dear children
If you raise your sweet boice now as then the day will come
Mama Rochel cry for us again
Won't you shed a tear for your dear children
Bi'zechutaich v'shavu vonim lig'vulom

In a roadside grave, she was laid to rest
In solitude forever
But her voice gave hope to the broken hearts
Of her daughters and sons - bound for exile

When her plaintive cry gained Diving consent
A challenge to her Maker
Can the mercy of mere flesh and blood
Run deeper than Yours - our Creator!


Now your voice is still as you heed the call
Of m'ni kolaich mi'bechi
It's our Father's will, He who made us all
Dare we ask of you - to defy Him?

Yet a frightened child, numb from pain andgrief
Remains forlorn and uncertain
Clinging to the faith, that it can be heard
As it cries out to its mother

Mama mama vain nochamol
Trerren zolttz du gissen un a tzohl
Beten fun bashefer in himmel, b'kol rom

Mama mama vain nochamol
Trerren zoltz du gissen un a tzohl
Bi'zechusaich v'shovu vonim lig'vulom

Rachel Imeinu s'ee kolaich
Shuv shifchi kamayim dimataich
B'chi nah al banim asher galu v'al sivlam

Rachel Imeinu s'ee kolaich
Shuv shifchi dimah lifnei konaich
Bi'zechutaich v'shavu banim ligvulam

See also:

Funker Vogt Prisoners of War Lyrics
Jude All I want to do Lyrics